There Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood PressureThere Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood Pressure

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There Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood Pressure

I used to thinkt that people in good health just had "healthy genes" and that daily habits didn't affect health very much. Due to that belief, when my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure and prescribed a medication to treat it, I didn't take it at first. I soon got a health "wake up call" when I began experiencing chest pains. My wife took me to the ER and, thankfully, they determined I wasn't having a heart attack, like I thought I was. The next day, I began taking my medication and living a healthier lifestyle. Soon, I was able to stop the medication due to my lifestyle changes, but I still monitor my blood pressure at home just to "stay on the safe side." I wanted to share my story to help others and plan to post many more health tips on my new blog.


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3 Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a type of alternative specialized care for the nervous system, spine, and other joints of the body. It can help in a number of different ways, including assisting in some health conditions, or injuries sustained. If you have never had chiropractic care, you may be missing out on the benefits it can provide you. Read on for some of the benefits you could get from chiropractic care.

1. Reduce The Need For Pain Medication

Some injuries sustained and even some health conditions may have required that you take prescribed pain medication to deal with the pain you endure daily, but with chiropractic care, you may be able to reduce the amount of medication you take. Taking less prescribed pain medication can be a benefit, not just to your wallet, but it can reduce the chances of getting addicted to the pain medicine and reduce other health issues you could sustain from long-term use of this type of medication.

2. Decrease Medical Costs

Going to the chiropractor for regular adjustments may reduce the medical costs you have from going to see your physician often for your pain and other medical needs. If your pain is being reduced by these regular adjustments, this could help prevent the need for surgery and other types of medical treatments or testing, which reduces costs for you and for your insurance carrier, and in the long term, can reduce your insurance premiums.

3. Improved Life

Your overall life can improve with chiropractic care, as reduced pain and other medical issues can help get you back to living your life without always being in pain. You may be able to do more things you haven't been able to do because of the pain, such as playing with your kids, playing sports, or doing other things you may have done prior to your injury or your medical condition. Going back to doing these things may improve your overall mood and well-being, which can also make for better relationships in your life as well.

If you are in pain due to a medical condition, or due to a previous injury or accident, you should seek care from a chiropractor. They can help reduce your pain or find solutions to help ease the pain you are feeling without the need for surgery, medication, and other types of care that can be costly, evasive, and lead to other medical issues or conditions in the long run.

Contact a local chiropractor to learn more.