Meal Changes To Help Reduce Acid Reflux Disease
Acid reflux disease can be extremely painful. In order to cope with this disease, you should absolutely see a doctor and talk to him or her about steps that you can take to manage your symptoms. However, it can take awhile to be able to get an appointment to see a doctor. As a result, you will need to take steps on your own to manage your acid reflux disease symptoms. Here are some tips for for changing your meals that will allow you to minimize your symptoms.
1. Eat More, Smaller Meals
You are going to experience fewer symptoms and less pain if you eat more than three meals a day but make sure that every meal is a smaller meal. This is helpful because it puts less stress on your stomach and allows you to digest everything more easily without the levels of pain that you experience after you eat a big meal.
2. Keep Track of Your Triggers
There are likely certain foods and drinks that tend to trigger your acid reflux disease and the pain that comes along with it. However, if you aren't paying attention to what you eat, you might have a hard time identifying what those triggers and therefore you likely have a hard time staying away from them. By keeping a food journal of everything that you eat, the time that you eat, and then the time that you experience acid reflux pain, you will be able to figure out which foods are causing you pain and then stay away from them. Do this for a week or so until you think that you have identified all of the triggers.
3. Raise the Head of Your Bed
Raise the end of the bed where you put your head by a few inches. You can do this by putting blocks or bricks of concrete underneath the legs of the head of your bed. This will force your stomach's contents to trend towards the ground and away from heart and head. This will reduce the chances that you will experience acid reflux while you sleep. To further reduce those chances, make sure that you stop eating a few hours before you plan to go to bed.
For more information and more comprehensive relief, be sure that you see a doctor as soon as you can. They will have medications that will help you manage the disease more effectively.