3 Beneficial Uses Of Stem Cells
Stem cell treatments — especially those involving embryonic stem cells — have received a great deal of news coverage in recent years. And yet many people aren't fully aware of the benefits that stem cell treatments can yield for patients suffering from a variety of conditions. In fact, stem cells are the only type of cells capable of regenerating new cell types, be they blood cells, brain cells or bone cells, to give just a few examples. They are also found in a number of different places, including recently formed embryos, adult tissues such as bone marrow, and even amniotic fluid. So if you are curious about the benefits of stem cell treatment, keep reading to discover just three of biggest ones.
Replacing Damaged Muscle Tissue
If you or someone you know has recently suffered from a heart attack, then you know that there is most likely substantial tissue damage that has occurred as a result. Now, with the advent of stem cell treatments, the damaged muscle tissue can be replaced with new, healthy tissue that leaves the heart stronger and lessens the chance of another heart attack.
Helping Burn Victims
Another massive benefit of stem cells is the ability to help burn victims in the recovery process. Many burn victims who have suffered substantial injuries and loss of skin feel helpless, believing that there's no chance of regaining their skin's natural appearance. But scientists can now take a small sample of skin tissue from the burn patient and use stem cells to gradually grow skin that completely covers the burn. Though grown in a lab, the skin is completely identical to the patient's skin at a biological level.
Easing Osteoarthritis and Rehabilitating Knee Injuries
Scientists have already begun to recognize the potential of stem cells in treating both osteoarthritis and knee injuries. Even those with severe injuries, such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or patellar tendonitis, can benefit from the use of stem cells. This is because a concentrated injection of stem cells (taken from bone marrow) into the necessary areas can help repair the degenerative tissue that is causing problems in the first place, be it a torn ligament or arthritic joint. Perhaps the best part of stem cell therapy is that it's not surgical, so patients don't have to worry about the risks of undergoing invasive surgery, and can get back on their feet sooner rather than later. Contact a company like Denver Regenerative Medicine for more info.