There Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood PressureThere Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood Pressure

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There Is Never an Excuse to ignore High Blood Pressure

I used to thinkt that people in good health just had "healthy genes" and that daily habits didn't affect health very much. Due to that belief, when my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure and prescribed a medication to treat it, I didn't take it at first. I soon got a health "wake up call" when I began experiencing chest pains. My wife took me to the ER and, thankfully, they determined I wasn't having a heart attack, like I thought I was. The next day, I began taking my medication and living a healthier lifestyle. Soon, I was able to stop the medication due to my lifestyle changes, but I still monitor my blood pressure at home just to "stay on the safe side." I wanted to share my story to help others and plan to post many more health tips on my new blog.


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Four Ways To Support A Family At An Urgent Care Center

When a friend or a family member of a friend is rushed to an urgent care center (such as 24 Hour Urgent Care of the Desert), the life of the person's family often becomes tumultuous as everyone drops what he or she is doing and rushes to be close to the person's side. Although it's usually ideal to give the family space during such difficult times, it's also appropriate to visit the center to pledge your support and see if you can do anything to help. The person who is ill or injured is already receiving top-notch care, so it's best to direct your attention to the family members. Here's how to proceed.  

Keep Your Distance

Some families won't want non-family members infringing on their space, especially if they're upset. Still, you can show your support by visiting the urgent care center and finding the family in a waiting room. Instead of rushing up to the family, stay across the room and try to catch someone's eye. How the person responds will indicate whether you should approach right away or give the family a little time. Another strategy is to send a text to a family member. Simply say that you're nearby and want to give your support whenever the family feels ready.

Be Respectful

Although you might be upset over the person's illness or injury, now isn't the time to share your woes with his or her family. This time is all about showing support, so lend a gentle ear or give a friendly hug or handshake. During such times, you don't need to scramble to fill voids in conversation. The simple act of standing with the family clearly shows your support. Of course, you can use terms such as "We're praying for you" or "We're sending good vibes your way," but some sentiments aren't particularly helpful. It's best to avoid telling the distraught family that God has a plan.

Look for Resources

Family members who rush to an urgent care center might be so frazzled that they aren't aware of the resources available to them at the center. If the patient's stay looks as though it will be lengthy, find the center's family resource center and talk to a staff member. Then, you can relay this information to the family. Often, care centers have lounges, showers and even laundry facilities for families.

Pledge Specific Support

It's ideal to offer specific types of help to the family rather than just generally asking if you can help. Doing so is especially important for long stays. Ask the family if you can take a child to school or an appointment, pick up clean laundry at the family's home, gather the family's mail or contact distant relatives to relay the news.