5 Tips For Reducing Your Risk Of A Brain Aneurysm
A brain aneurysm is a serious medical condition and can become life-threatening if it ruptures. Some of the symptoms of an aneurysm include a sudden headache, blurred vision, stiff neck and seizures. You are more likely to experience a brain aneurysm if you smoke, have a head injury, consume heavy amounts of alcohol or have high blood pressure. Here are five helpful tips for reducing your risk of a brain aneurysm.
Limit the Amount of Alcohol Your Drink
One way you can prevent your risk of a brain aneurysm is to limit the amount of alcohol you drink every week. Drinking too many alcoholic beverages can increase your chances of developing an aneurysm. Try not to drink more than three to four alcoholic beverages each week.
Reduce Salt in Your Diet
Salt does not just make you bloated; it can also increase your likelihood of getting a brain aneurysm. When you consume a high-sodium diet, your body will put more fluid into your bloodstream, increasing your risk of suffering a brain aneurysm. If you want to lower your risk, do not eat very salty foods, like chips, French fries and lunch meats, more than a couple times a month.
Stop Smoking
Smoking is another factor that can contribute to brain aneurysms. When you smoke cigarettes, the blood vessels in your brain can develop several aneurysms. During a study conducted at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, researchers discovered that 72 percent of the aneurysm patients smoked regularly.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
High blood pressure can increase your risk of a brain aneurysm, so you should do whatever you can to keep it down. Reducing your stress by practicing different relaxation techniques can prevent your blood pressure from getting too high. Try meditating, deep breathing exercises and yoga whenever you feel stressed out.
Do Not Drink Too Much Coffee
Coffee can keep you energized throughout the day, but drinking too much of it can increase your chances of suffering a brain aneurysm. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant, so it can raise your blood pressure.
Although you can't completely prevent brain aneurysms, you can significantly lower your risk of getting them. If you follow these helpful tips, you are less likely to develop a brain aneurysm. If you experience symptoms of an aneurysm, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to be treated by a neurological doctor. For more information, contact a local clinic like Southwest Florida Neurosurgical Associates.